mercredi 23 janvier 2013

Am I the same person in SL than in RL?

I read a very interesting article last week (you can find the link on my Twitter (in English)).
The author of the article wondered why must we bring RL values in SL?

The most obvious answer was : because these are the only values that we know. 

The idea of courtesy, fidelity, honesty in love or friendship,  family spirit (since families are created on SL): Do all these values have their places in a virtual world where we can do what we want (like flying and teleporting themselves of course) but also to approach no matter whom, become fairies or vampires, to live in the airs or under water
Why the places and the houses are so a like reality ? Considering that I could decide to live in a can and to sleep in a coffee cupWe expect people in SL that they behave as in RL.
I do not really have answers to that and even if I live on a platform with 4000m of altitude, my home resembles a house which could exist RL.
Clothing that I wear in SL, I could wear them in RL (in general).
On the other hand it is true that I do not think my report to the others as in RL. I enjoy a conversation at the moment and if I don't meet the person again , so much worse. One sends a request of friends to me, ok, and I will not become possessive or sticking just for that. I will not make a scene if the person does not tell me hello each time she connects herself. 

I just wanted to share this idea :)
I don't have a picture of circumstance here: just Zen attitude lol


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